onsdag 30 september 2015

Pain Points based on scenarios, personas and state of the art analysis.

Our research indicates that our pain points is
  • crowded buses
  • no vacancy where strollers are suppose to be
  • several strollers in the stroller space.
  • bad bus interior design
  • sometimes hard to get on the bus
  • irritation between passengers and passengers with strollers

  • Better interior design in the bus
  • Letting passengers know how many prams there are at the next bus
  • Letting passengers know how crowded the next bus is
  • Creating more space where prams could be
  • Changing the layout inside the bus, e.g moving the pram space to the back of the bus
  • Create a more understanding environment between passengers

Prioritise the issues for each of the personas.
Karin would benefit from engaging with other travelers and not see them as enemies. Also plan her trip so she doesn't end up traveling in the rush hours.

Micheal is more laid-back as a person and we had a hard time finding what he could improve to benefit from his trip.  

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