lördag 26 september 2015


When going out on a field study of the purpose of interview, I found it very hard as no one I asked where up for stopping a few minutes to answer the questions our group had prepared. Therefor I decided to send out a questionnaire to someone I know have a baby and use a stroller to travel in the commute traffic, but I also decided to not send it to someone I know. Instead I sent it to someone I've met and is acquainted with, but don't know very well. The result became an answered questionnaire with Lisa.

Interview with Lisa

Do you travel with your stroller on the bus?

Do you have some kind of strategy when you travel? (Choice of stop, time of the day etc.)
I try to avoid big stops, such as the Central-station, or Slussen, and go on/off at a stop before/after.

If you knew that the next bus would be empty, would you wait for that one?
I think so, yes.

If there was an application that showed which buses that is suitable for strollers, would you use it?
Probably, yes.

Have you ever got off the bus because it was too full?
No, but I’ve had to wait for the next one because it was too full.

Do you feel like you’re in the way when travelling with a stroller?
Often yes, people aren’t that keen on giving up space for a stroller if it’s crowded.

Are you ever worried about your baby’s safety?
Yes, as I just recieved my baby, I’m more or less constantly worried.

Ideas for improvements?
Not that I can think of now. 

Other point of views?
The mentality of other travellers are a downside. Instead of being helpful, people give you looks.

Practical questions

Male/Female? Female
Age? 27
Do you own a smartphone? Yes
Monthly Card or ”Reskassa”? Monthly Card

Do you have more kids? No

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