tisdag 15 september 2015

Reading seminar 1

In the first group seminar we discussed topics from chapters 7, 8 and 10. These chapters are about the beginning stages of a design process.

The 7th chapter is about data gathering and goes through processes of interviews and  questionnaires e.g. cultural probes, all  methods of survey research and observation, a method of behavioural research .  The think-aloutechnique is good because it will allow the designer to get a look at the user's experience of a product.We separate between quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data is in the form of numbers and qualitative data usually includes more abstract data like descriptions, quotes, vignettes of activity, photos and drawings. Sending out cultural probes are also a way of gathering data.

Chapter 8 is about data analysis and how to interpret the data gathered in chapter 7. Closed questions are usually analysed quantitatively, open questions qualitatively. Quantitative analysis usually includes systematising the data in matrices or looking for averages. The book defines three types of qualitative analysis of empirical data: identifying recurring patterns and themes, categorizing data and analysing critical incidents.
This chapter also presents theoretical frameworks as a way to structure data. The method includes the grounded theory,  that uses the data gathered to generate the actual theory.  The research is developed with the data gathered, so the theory alternates between data collecting and analysis. The theory identifies categories of data and methods to relate these to each other.  A more psychological approach is the activity theory. These methods seem quite extensive and difficult to fully understand. 
Conclusively, the chapter has a section about summarising and presenting the data.

The last chapter for this seminar is about establishing requirements. In the requirements activity, we want to achieve two things. The first is to understand as much as possible about the users, their activities, the contexts of those activities and their goals so that the system that is being developed can aid the user to achieve his goals.  Tools to get a better understanding of this is creating personas and scenarios based on the chosen focus groups. Personas are fictive, typically short descriptions of a person's life situation, goals and behaviour relevant to the design inquiry. A scenario is a narrative that explores the future use of a product from a user's point of view.  After the first field study, I think the group will have more information to create personas and scenarios. I have used these in earlier design projects, and they are really helpful! 

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