tisdag 6 oktober 2015

Seminar #2

Our project has allready done most of data-gathering and it's not time to analyse the data. To our help we have chapter 13 & 15 in the course book "Interaction Design - beyond human computer integration". Chapter 13 introduces the DECIDE framework, which will help us plan the evaluation of our product.

One of the points, the "C", stands for "Choose your approach and methods", where i think we got alot of planning to do. Since our target group is highly mobile we're not gonna be able to take them to an offsite location to evaluate our product. We're instead gonna have to find a way to follow them in an outdoor setting and still track their usage or our product.

We also gotta make sure to not change the people we are observings behavior. This is noted as a dilemma in the book, where some argue that it's almost impossible to study peoples behaviour without changing it. I think we mostly have to think about the fact that we might change the behaviour of the people we are evaluating, and therefore take extra precautions to make sure that we do everything we can not to.

Chapter 15 gives an alteranative to this, so called Heuristic Evaluation where we instead invite experts on the field (maybe ourselves) to examine the product against some heuristics (usability principles). The more experts you invite the better of a result you're gonna get.

I believe that our products success is gonna lie partly in how easy we make the HCI, but also in the actual idea itself. We have to first make sure that the product in its core brings value to users, without even thinking about the actually interact with the product. Then we will have to make the interaction as easy as possible. 

I see our product becoming very self aware, presenting info to the user without any input, and therefore most of our evaluation should be doable without the product avaliable. If the task is about informing users about how full the next bus is, this can be simulated by standing on different bus-stops around Stockholm and telling people about the next bus's capacity.

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